Boarding the Sama Airship, en route to Kepler-186f!

I left Earth for Kepler-186f in April 2014, a few days after its discovery by the Kepler Space Observatory.

Kepler-186f is an Earth-size planet, an exoplanet orbiting the red dwarf star Kepler-186, about 490 light-years from the Earth.

I won’t be able to communicate before I reach the Cygnus Constellation. But it won’t take me 490 years, barely 2 years thanks to my Photo fueled Sama Airship.

But before I left, I managed to be able to Tweet so follow me @MaxVonSama.

Wish me luck, my dear Sama-Friends! 🙂

Follow me on Twitter @MaxVonSama !

Great news, you can now follow me on Twitter! I thought it could be cool to tweet about my trip so I created a Twitter account.

I’m new to it but I’m already following 35 people. They are all very interesting, I love reading about Steampunk, science, art…

If you read this blog, then please follow me on Twitter as well: @MaxVonSama.

When you do, don’t forget to say Hi.
Talk to you later, tweeps! 🙂

The Sama Airship is ready, I’m leaving tomorrow!

Hi everyone! I’m so excited by this fantastic trip! Everything is in place, the Sama Airship is ready, I will leave the World of Sama tomorrow and like I promised, I will post about the things I see, what I do and the people I meet.

You can follow me on Twitter @MaxVonSama and of course on if you want to know more about what is happening to me.

On this day before the big jump, I feel great. No stress, I’m eager to discover the world in a way I wouldn’t expect. The mysteries of the Universe, the secret and unknown, different people from different ‘places’…

You can have more details on this adventure on this page.

So much to do! I couldn’t be more excited, to say the truth. You can send me a message if you want. Thanks for your support! 🙂