Steampunk alarm clock & ‘Beautiful lepers’ by anXiogene

anXiogene is a multi-faceted French artist from the city of Caen. I have been following her work for some time now and she is very talented.

Annliz Bonin, a.k.a anXiogene, works with mechanisms and makes beautiful Steampunk alarm clocks; she creates unique dolls and her creative world is diverse, varied and filled with unexpected, surprising and sometimes even sexy creatures… She also created with Futuravapeur, the fantastic ‘Historiettes de Monsieur Sandalette’ (uchronic short stories I will come back to it soon).

I selected two pictures to illustrate anXiogene’s work. The first one is her latest alarm clock (left picture); the other one is from a serie of photographs taken in 2010 titled: ‘Belles lépreuses’ (‘Beautiful lepers’), with voluptuously gorgeous models ana and noémie.

I invite you to visit her website. Even if you don’t speak French, the pictures talk for themselves…