A keynote lecture by Professor Peter Higgs

Everyone now knows about the Higgs boson. If you want to know more about the scientist who gave the boson its name, then you have to watch tomorrow’s keynote lecture by Professor Peter Higgs.

More than 100 scientists from around the globe are gathering at Swansea University this July, for the 10th International Conference on Strong and ElectroWeak Matter (SEWM2012).

One of the highlights is a keynote lecture by Professor Peter Higgs of Edinburgh University, after whom the famously elusive Higgs boson is named.  Professor Higgs is also an Honorary Fellow of Swansea University.

Peter Higgs’ appearance at Swansea comes in the wake of exciting announcements from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) about the discovery of the Higgs boson.

LIVE STREAM: Thursday 12th July, 4-5pm

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