Artist Olek yarn-bombs Albert Einstein Memorial

Here is the link between Albert Einstein and crochet artist Olek: the National Academy of Science’s Albert Einstein Memorial has been covered in pink and purple crocheted fabric!

Sophie Gilbert, in her article published on The Washingtonian, explains:

Olek is in town for the Renwick Museum’s “40 Under 40: Craft Futures” exhibition, which features her as one of the most creative contemporary craft artists born since 1972 (when the Renwick was founded). Olek says Einstein, for her, was an easy choice since he was such a creative thinker himself. “I thought he might have a sense of humor about it,” she says. Sadly, DC didn’t—Olek’s work was removed within hours.

In March, Max Dana posted: Miss Van’s Dolls, tattooed and ‘crocheted’, showing the work done by Olek on Miss Van’s sexy characters with Olek’s work put on the face of a doll.

I like Olek’s work, you can follow her on Twitter and visit her website to learn more about the artist. Who would have known crochet could be so creative?

Steampunk alarm clock & ‘Beautiful lepers’ by anXiogene

anXiogene is a multi-faceted French artist from the city of Caen. I have been following her work for some time now and she is very talented.

Annliz Bonin, a.k.a anXiogene, works with mechanisms and makes beautiful Steampunk alarm clocks; she creates unique dolls and her creative world is diverse, varied and filled with unexpected, surprising and sometimes even sexy creatures… She also created with Futuravapeur, the fantastic ‘Historiettes de Monsieur Sandalette’ (uchronic short stories I will come back to it soon).

I selected two pictures to illustrate anXiogene’s work. The first one is her latest alarm clock (left picture); the other one is from a serie of photographs taken in 2010 titled: ‘Belles lépreuses’ (‘Beautiful lepers’), with voluptuously gorgeous models ana and noémie.

I invite you to visit her website. Even if you don’t speak French, the pictures talk for themselves…

Digital artist creates new kind of experiment at CERN

I read this news last month and I’m eager to know more about what kind of creative work artist Julius von Bismarck, the winner of the Collide@CERN prize, will present on his experiences at the laboratory in September.

From the article published by Symmetry Breaking Magazine:

If attendees at the welcome reception for CERN’s first artist-in-residence learned one thing last night, it was that Julius von Bismarck is not afraid to disrupt others with his art. In a way, this trait puts him right at home with CERN scientists: the kind of people who always question, the kind of people who fill an auditorium to discuss the possibility that a long-held law of physics could be broken. But von Bismarck is not a CERN scientist. So inviting him into the laboratory, where he will stay for the next two months, is a sign of trust – not that he won’t disrupt the scientists, but that, if he does, the experience could be worthwhile […] Von Bismarck, 28, has used invention, experiment and, in many cases, the participation of an unsuspecting crowd to address questions about how we interact with the world around us. In 2006, he created a white, spherical helmet that blocks the wearer’s view of anything but a live video feed from a camera attached to a balloon overhead. “It totally changes your perception,” von Bismarck said. At last night’s reception, he showed a video of himself walking through Berlin’s central train station wearing the contraption. “After a while you get used to it,” he said. “What never goes away is the shakiness. The world is losing stability.”

Art and science, isn’t that exciting?!

Physicist James Wells with Julius Von Bismarck, CERN’s first artist in residence.
Image: CERN