The Extraordinary Adventures of Max Von Sama

Since an early age, Max wanted to know everything, see everything and had to get answers to her numerous questions. Max is bold, fearless, intrepid. A while ago, her creator, Max Dana, asked her if she would be interested in a fantastic, amazing new adventure titled:

Max Von Sama and the Samachine, exploring time and space across the Many Worlds,
on board the Photon fueled Sama Airship investing the Fermi Paradox,
using the Antikythera mechanism.
Chapter I: En Route to Kepler-186f

Max accepted right away, of course. You can follow her extraordinary adventures on Twitter @MaxVonSama but don’t forget that both time and space are relative. A day here on Earth can be a week or just a split of a second ‘out there’. She may become silent sometimes… Welcome on board, Dear Samayan!


More about Max Von Sama

Name: Max Von Sama

Age: Unknown

Likes: the Abysses, Internet & video games, Jazz music, Science and the mysteries of the Universe, the Victorian Era and everything Vintage or Retro, not to mention Burlesque, Gothic and Steampunk!

What does she look like? Well, Max is very discreet, she prefers to go incognito but those who saw her say she looks like…




Not sure if this could be of any help, but if you meet Max, say hi to her for us 😉