The Skyship Chronicles is a short Steampunk/Sci-fi action film from director Christian Schwier and producer Jeff Zampino.
It will be produced in Fall 2012 by Tampa Bay video production company, and the film is backed from independent donations through crowd funding service Indiegogo.
The Plot:
Gustav, an evil scientist steals the inventions of a rival inventor. Victory turns to defeat as Gustav learns the inventions are useless without the power source, which the clever inventor has hidden.
30 years later, Adam, a young man from rural Kansas finds the power source while working at a post office. Upon opening the lead-lined box, two women appear from out of nowhere, and carry Adam off, just as Gustav’s skyship appears.
After 30 years of hunting, Gustav is on the trail, and he will stop at nothing.
The plot is interesting, the film’s scenes will be shot in St. Petersburg which counts many 1920s style buildings. So if you want to support the project, you only have a few hours left, click here!
Below, the promo video for The Skyship Chronicles.